Saturday 21 July 2012

Happy Beginnings

Everybody is looking for their happy ending. Ambitions to fulfil, destinations to reach. Each one is struggling to make his/her dream come true imagining that this dream is the end.

Wake up people!

Death is how all of us are going to end. It is a “scientifically” proven fact.
Don’t be shocked with the truth. I know you were deceived as a kid with all the fairy tales and cartoon you were watching, but those were made for kids and you need to grow up.
So why do you look for something that will come to you eventually??

Don’t be sad, all I’m trying to say is that we need a little shift in our thoughts so we can reach true happiness.
What we really need and should go looking for is happy beginning. Lots and lots of happy beginnings.

Rather than thinking of finding our soul mate, the dream job, gaining a fortune...etc as our happy ending as if there will be no more dreams after, we should think of these dreams as happy beginnings of new stages in our life. Each stage has new dreams and goals to fulfil.

Imagine a map with a two points on it: your birth and your death and you need to reach your death but with the happiest and most comfortable road.
Each choice you make, every goal you achieve is like a city or a station on this road. On this station, you can change the road or adjust your plan for your life trip.

So every dream is another opportunity to start fresh or to continue on the same track. It’s your choice.
What if you didn’t reach the city (goal) you hoped to reach? It’s ok, keep going, may be an unfulfilled dream lead you to unexpected city on the map that will change the road entirely.
So it’s not a sad ending, it’s just an opportunity to dream of another happy beginning.
Don’t ever give up. There are lots and lots of happy beginnings in this life. So dream as much as you can and enjoy every station in your life.

It’s not the destination you are seeking, it’s the happiness you’ll experience in journey that matters.