Saturday 15 December 2012


You never know the importance of people in your life till they vanish from it. Along the road, you meet people, get to know them, develop impressions and opinions about them. Relationships with them takes many forms; relatives, family, friends, and colleagues. But your actual feelings arise only when they are not part of your life anymore.

First, life roads get crossing each other. You meet someone new, and here comes the first impression legend. Some will tell you that first impression never lies, well, this is partially true. The people I miss the most now in my life are the ones with the false first impression. So don’t ever count on the first impression.

Then you start spending time together, knowing each other more, when you get to check your first impression, and when time passes, you start developing initial feelings about them.
Sometimes you hate these new people, love them or other times you just think that you have no feelings at all about them.
Let me assure you, with my personal experiment, that these feelings are just a disguise of your actual feelings.

Time passes, and your life road takes a turn and someone in your life starts to vanish. Then and only then you will start re-exploring your feelings and thoughts about him/her.
You will figure that the friend you thought you love has no effect in your life and you will barely remember him/her during your ordinary day.
You will find that the person you hated but got used to is someone you really love and you keep remembering him/her, and your life is different without him/her.

The people that you took their presence for granted, will seem the most important of all when life separates you from them.

The bottom line is, cherish every moment with the people around you, whether you like, love or even hate them, as you never know when they will get out of your life.