Tuesday 11 August 2020

15th of March

I read this post about just writing for 10 minutes for 10 days. I'm not sure what to write about. My mind is numb or I'm forcing it to be so as not to feel all the feelings I'm having recently.

Since 15th March 2020 ,we are quarntined at home. Cooking all meals at home .working out at home  .working from home. My daughter hasn't seen another kid since then. We had to cancel our summer trip to Egypt because of the fear of getting the virus or transmitting it to our family there.
Every time one of us has to go to the supermarket it feels like horror to me.
I keep on thinking about what will happen if I got it. Not because I fear for myself, but I keep on thinking about my daughter. How will she handle me not being with her ? How will I be able to quarntine myself away from her and my husband while staying all together in a small apartement. When will I be able to see my family in Egypt? What happens if they need me and I can't be there because of this ? Will my daughter thrive and keep her development schedule while only interacting with me and her father. I can't risk getting into a social bubble like other families started doing.I can't trust anyone but me during this pandemic.

Everyday I wake up trying to silence those thoughts. Numb my mind so I don't feel the fear and worry. 

Wednesday 4 March 2020

Expired Friendship

I thought this will last forever
we had a lifetime of friendship
we thought we will be old ladies together
but you decided to throw me out of this ship

you called me names, you shut the door
you said you don't want to be friends anymore

I said I care about you, sorry for any mistakes
but you said i'm too aggressive and we reached this friendship expiry date

after you changed you think i'm old school for you
I don't feel the need to judge you and I never intend to offend
I have no regrets and i'm letting you go
you are not the same nice girl that used to be my friend

just don't come back, you broke my heart
I thought there is something called forever and we will never be apart

I was stupid to think we will last
people will change and throw you away so fast