Monday 23 March 2015

It's my choice

    I need someone to explain to me why am I guilty for choosing to be happy even in hard times!! 

   I'm a normal girl with the ability to feel sadness and happiness just like everyone else on this planet. I only differ in one thing, I simply choose to be happy even when sadness is the normal human reaction to certain life events. To my astonishment, it turns out that being or acting happy in hard times is a sin that everyone around you start blaming you for. They accuse you of being heartless or senseless because you are not sad and crying as you should in certain events.

   The fact that I’m smiling and trying to get through my sorrow with hope in my heart doesn't mean that I have no sense or I never get sad. I get sad and blue like everyone, I just don't stay there for long. I choose to be optimistic and smile till the end. I don't think that I should feel guilty for doing so.

   I won't stop being happy and no one has the right to judge me or accuse me of having a cold heart.

Friday 13 March 2015

Best version

When you feel flawless
And you are your best version 
All secure and calm with no place for stress
And you reach that state of perfection

Fear becomes a meaningless word
And life is completely redefined
A state of joy that doesn't belong to this world
This love that I never thought I'll find

A shoulder to cry on
A friend who echoes my laughter
In the darkest nights I have a reason to believe in dawn
Nothing can conquer me when I have my shelter